Health and safety

Health, Safety and Risk

The Faculty of Humanities' primary functions are research and teaching, but these aims must be achieved, so far as is reasonably practicable, with no adverse effect on the health and safety of any member of staff, student or third party. It is the policy of the Faculty to pursue the highest standards of Health and Safety in all of its activities. 

The allocation of duties for safety matters and the arrangements for implementing the policy are set out in the Faculty’s Health & Safety Policy

Your health and safety responsibilities 

All new postgraduate research students in Schools across the Faculty of Humanities are required to complete mandatory health and safety induction training. Training is delivered via the University's e-learning environment and covers basic information about how health and safety is managed at the University. All new PGRs are automatically enrolled onto the relevant course units. PGRs in AMBS, SALC and SOSSare required to complete modules 1 and 5. PGRs in SEED are required to complete all modules.  

PGRs are expected to complete these courses within the one month of starting. 

  • HUMNSPGR-IND001 PGR Student Health and Safety Induction Mandatory Module 1 
  • HUMNSPGR-IND002 PGR Student Health and Safety Induction Module 2 - Working in labs/workshops 
  • HUMNSPGR-IND003 PGR Student Health and Safety Induction Module 3 - Chemical Risk Assessment 
  • HUMNSPGR-IND004 PGR Student Health and Safety Induction Module 4 - Biosafety 
  • HUMNSPGR-IND005 PGR Student Health and Safety Induction Module 5 - Off-campus work (including fieldwork) 

Further information about these coures can be found on the University Health and Safety Service website.

First Aid 

A list of the names of authorised first aiders can be found by the main entrances and lifts in every University building - you will need to scan a QR code for the latest list. The list can also be accessed via the First Aid webpage.Schools have first aid kits available in kitchen and reception areas. 

PGRs and students are also encouraged to download the SafeZone App which is a safety app that comes with direct link to the University Security. 

All security staff within Campus Support and Security Services are first aid and defibrillator trained. Security can be contacted by calling 0161 306 9966 (the number can also be found on the back of your ID card). 

AEDs or Defibrillators or Defibs 

An AED is a very simple piece of equipment that can be used by anyone to increase the chances of saving the life of someone who is having a cardiac arrest. 

There are a number of AEDs at various points across the University. To find your nearest AED, please use the Interactive Campus Map. Double click on the icon for further information such as exact location. 

Fire Safety 

Fire training and information 

LAOD147 Fire Awareness for All: All postgraduate researchers in the Faculty of Humanities are required to complete this mandatory fire training which covers University’s arrangements and practical advice. All postgraduate research students must familiarise themselves with the location of their nearest emergency exit.  

You are responsible for your visitors and must advise them of emergency action. If you hear the alarm you must leave the building as quickly as possible by the nearest available exit. Do not use the lifts. Please see below for building-specific assembly points. 

If you oversee lectures or laboratory classes, you must take responsibility for the orderly evacuation of your class without delay.  

Do not enter a building while the alarm is sounding, and do not re-enter until a Campus Support and Security Officer or a Fire Evacuation Marshall (wearing a green vest) gives permission.  

Display Screen Equipment (DSE) 

Display Screen Equipment (DSE) refers to equipment used in the workplace such as laptops, screens and PCs. We want to ensure that you are working in a safe and comfortable environment which is why we require you to complete a DSE self-assessment. 

You can find guidance on how to set up your workspace and a self-assessment form here.  You can also find further information on the HSE website

Schools assess the risks associated with using DSE equipment by carrying out DSE surveys. For a DSE assessment or to report any issues you might have with your workstation set up please contact your School Safety Advisor by using the relevant email address below: 

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) 

Disability Advisory and Support Service (DASS) help students and members of staff who might need to have a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP). Additionally, if you require support evacuating a university building during an alarm but are not registered with DASS (e.g. due to having a temporary injury), please consider filling in a PEEP. For further information please see PEEPs webpage

For queries on PEEPs please contact your School Safety Advisor by using the relevant email address below: 

Lone Working 

Lone working may occur at the normal place of work/study or it may be in off-site locations, either as part of field work, overseas trips, community-based working, etc. You can find our University guidance on Lone Working in the Lone Working toolkit. 

Risk Assessment Training 

PGRs are encouraged to familiarise themselves with HSE guidance on risk assessments and complete these two short online training courses as a minimum: 

Accident/Incident Near miss reporting 

All accidents, incidents or near-misses on School premises or arising out of University business must be notified via email to Safety Services in the first instance and ideally within 24 hours. Incidents result in damage to property only with no injuries, and near-misses are incidents with a potential for personal injury or physical damage but no actual injury or damage. Please see Accident Reporting information and notification form. 

Study Spaces and building local arrangements 

Schools have dedicated postgraduate spaces within their buildings. Most computer clusters operate on a hot-desking principle. Please contact theDoctoral Academy at further information about workspaces and facilities. 

In this section you will find local Fire and First Aid arrangements as well as other building specific local arrangements: 

AMBS Building

Fire Alarm 

Two stage alarm. Building in two zones A&B 

A - ground to 4th floor 

B – 5th to 10th floor 

Alarm will sound intermittently for a few minutes in the unaffected zone, then go into full alarm. 

Fire Alarm Test Time 

Friday 8:30am 

Assembly Points 

Signage near Bridgeford Street building 

First Aid Arrangements 

Monday – Friday 8am–4pm 
Find a First Aider 

AED / Defibrillator 

Ground Floor Reception area 

Arthur Lewis Building

Fire Alarm 

Single Stage Voice Alarm - continuous 


Fire Alarm Test Time 

Monday at 1.30pm 

Assembly Points 

Bridgeford Street 

First Aid Arrangements 

Monday – Friday 9am-5pm 
Find a First Aider 

AED / Defibrillators 

Ground Floor Reception area 

Crawford House Building 

Fire Alarm 

Single Stage Voice Alarm - continuous 

Fire Alarm Test Time 

Wednesday at 11.45am 

Assembly Points 

Outside St Peter’s House  

First Aid Arrangements 

Monday – Friday 9am-5pm 
Find a First Aider 

AED / Defibrillators 

Defibrillator is located outside Occupational Health on the fourth floor. 

Ellen Wilkinson Building 

Fire Alarm 

Single Stage Voice Alarm - continuous 

Fire Alarm Test Time 

Wednesdays at 11.30am

Assembly Points 

Grassed area between Ellen Wilkinson Building and Samuel Alexander Building 

First Aid Arrangements 

Monday – Friday 9am-5pm 
Find a First Aider 

AED / Defibrillators 

C block entrance 

Mansfield Cooper Building 

Fire Alarm 

Single Stage Voice Alarm - continuous 

Fire Alarm Test Time 

Thursdays at 8.30am 

Assembly Points 

Grassed area around Stephen Joseph Building 

First Aid Arrangements 

Monday – Friday 9am-5pm 
Find a First Aider 

Martin Harris Centre 

Fire Alarm 

Single Stage Voice Alarm - continuous 

Fire Alarm Test Time 

Wednesdays at 9.45am

Assembly Points 

 Green area towards Coupland 1 Building 

First Aid Arrangements 

Monday – Friday 9am-5pm 
Find a First Aider 

Humanities Bridgeford Building 

Fire Alarm 

Single Stage Voice Alarm - continuous 

Fire Alarm Test Time 

Fridays at 9.15am

Assembly Points 

Bridgeford Street 

First Aid Arrangements 

Monday – Friday 9am-5pm 
Find a First Aider 

AED / Defibrillators 

Defibrillator is located in a cabinet at the main entrance reception desk. 

Samuel Alexander Building 

Fire Alarm 

Single Stage Voice Alarm - continuous 

Fire Alarm Test Time 

Thursdays at 12.50pm 

Assembly Points 

  1. Grassed area between Ellen Wilkinson Building and Samuel Alexander Building 
  1. 2. Grassed area in front of Alan Gilbert Learning Common 

First Aid Arrangements 

  1. Monday – Friday 9am-5pm 
    Find a First Aider 

178 Waterloo Place – Manchester China Institute 

Fire Alarm 

Single Stage Voice Alarm - continuous 


Fire Alarm Test Time 

Monday 9.30am 

Assembly Points 

University Green (grass area beside Waterloo Place) 

First Aid Arrangements 

Monday – Friday 9am-5pm 
Find a First Aider 

AED / Defibrillators 


180 Waterloo Place – Confucius Institute 

Fire Alarm 

Single Stage Voice Alarm - continuous 

Fire Alarm Test Time 

Mondays at 9.15am 

Assembly Points 

University Green (grass area beside Waterloo Place) 

First Aid Arrangements 

Monday – Friday 9am-5pm 
Find a First Aider 

188 Waterloo Place – The Justice Hub 

Fire Alarm 

Single Stage Voice Alarm - continuous 


Fire Alarm Test Time 

Monday 9.50am  

Assembly Points 

University Green (grass area beside Waterloo Place) 

First Aid Arrangements 

Monday – Friday 9am-5pm 
Find a First Aider 

AED / Defibrillators 


Williamson Building 

Fire Alarm 

Single Stage Voice Alarm - continuous 

Fire Alarm Test Time 

Monday 8.20am 

Assembly Points 

Brunswick Park 

First Aid Arrangements 

Monday – Friday 9am-5pm 
Find a First Aider 

AED / Defibrillators 

In cabinet beside ground floor reception desk 

Out of Hours access to buildings 

To arrange out of hours contact please contact your School by using the below email address: 

Reporting Building Faults and Issues 

Please report these issues via Estates Helpdesk or email or call 0161 275 2424. Estates Helpdesk is open Monday to Friday 8am - 4pm.

In case of emergency and outside these times you should report any problems to the Main Security Office on 52728 01613069966 or use the SafeZone App. 

Insurance and indemnity

Travel insurance

The University travel policy provides cover for students travelling on business such as fieldwork, conferences etc. and for any travel that is a compulsory element of a University award-bearing degree programme of study.  For other travel, you should arrange your own insurance cover. For more information please see the Insurance Office website.

Liability cover

The University also has other insurance policies in place for protection in relation to public liability. Please see further information and contact the Insurance Office if you have queries.