Disability Advisory and Support Service

The DASS office on the second floor of University Place offers face-to-face, video (Zoom/Teams) or phone appointments.

DASS is open for calls Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm and UMAC Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm:

  • Tel (Disability Service) +44 (0)161 275 7512
  • Tel (Assessment Centre) +44 (0)161 275 0990
  • Mobile Number (Text only for d/Deaf students) 07899 658 790
  • Email (Disability Service) dass@manchester.ac.uk
  • Email (Assessment Centre) assessments@manchester.ac.uk

For more information, please see DASS website.

Disabled toilets

A list of disabled toilets can be found on the University interactive map. To get RADAR key, please call 0161 275 1200 or email hums.doctoralacademy.dc@manchester.ac.uk

Inclusive Alliance Network (IAN)

IAN is an ally network, created to work with UoM's disabled staff network (DSN). The ISA is open to supervisors, line managers, and any other staff that supports disabled staff or PGRs, with an aim of providing a safe space where people can chat peer to peer, share advice, and get guidance.

In addition, the Challenging Research Disabled PGR Group is a peer support group for disabled PGRs across all faculties at UoM. Their focus is providing a safe and supportive space for PGRs to socialise mask off and get advice on any issues you may be facing. They also do a lot of advocacy work, including regular Zoom focus groups with UoM senior leadership to address any issues, run workshops for staff on the lived experience of disabled PGRs, and work to make institutional change across UoM. 

If you’d like to join email laura.howard-3@manchester.ac.uk or join their WhatsApp

For more information on all the support services, training and events for disabled PGRs, please see here.